Thursday, January 19, 2012

Day 5: Life has no absolutes, only what absolutely works for you!!

Day 5: Life has no absolutes, only what absolutely works for you!!

I have been thinking today about how we get so caught up with absolutes, instead of really finding out what absolutely works for us and making it happen.  We get caught up in the naming of things, in establishing such high expectations for ourselves that the journey gets lost and the destination becomes the means in itself.  I am a photographer, a mother, a wife, a daughter, a raw vegan food lover, a this and a that, on some days I am more than that, on some days I am less.  The journey of growth, of gaining awareness and raising our consciousness goes beyond all the names and categories that we can describe ourselves into.  I believe finding what absolutely works for us, taking responsibility of it, owning it, and being our best potential leads to personal and global change.

I'd like to share with you the story of Maickel Melamed.  He is my sister-in-law's brother, a motivational speaker, an inspiration, a movement gaining more and more momentum and power to instigate positive change in people.  He was born during a difficult and critical labour that caused full-body Hypotonia. His life expectancy was 7 days.  He is now 36 years old, and his will to live has overcome every obstacle that has come his way.  He continues now to set challenges for himself and a team of professionals with whom he trains and who support him to achieve those challenges.

He has climbed the tallest mountain in Venezuela, Pico Bolivar (5.007 above sea level), he has participated in 7 & 10 K marathons and in 2011 he finished the famous New York City Marathon in 15:22:03!

His message is to inspire people to reach their own potential, to connect with their own power to achieve what absolutely works for them!.  In his own words "Nothing is to great as to not try it".

(The linked site is in spanish, but there are many interviews and u tube videos of him in English. Check him out.)

So, what does absolutely work for you?

"If you dream it, make it happen".  Maickel Melamed.

Morning: 2 oz of wheatgrass juice in 8 oz of water.
An hour later: cup of burdock root, chaga, goji berry tea.
Sometime later: 2 oz of wheatgrass juice in 8 oz. of coconut water.
Mid morning: a thermos with hot water and unpasteurized Miso.
Lunch: Alfalfa, Mung bean, Sunflower, Brocoli, Cabbage sprouts! (they were finally ready!), green collards, beet greens, beets, ginger, carrot, orange. 16 oz.
Dinner: Snowpea sprouts, red choi sprouts, radish sprouts, celery, cucumber, kiwi, green apple, blueberries, lemon. 16 oz.
As I write tonight: a cup of hot water with Miso.

ps- I dont feel like I juiced enough today... the rest of life kind of got in the way.

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